Pest Control Hampstead

Hampstead Rat Catchers and Pest Experts

Hampstead Rat Catchers (NW3): Discovering rats in your garden or even inside your property tends to be rather an unsettling experience to go through even though it's not such a frequent occurrence in Hampstead in recent times, it's certainly not unheard of. Rats breed quickly and can cause issues, particularly when their numbers spiral out of hand. An individual incidence of a lone rat probably won't be much of a worry, but if you're noticing them regularly you need to get some specialist advice.

Pest Control Quotes

While neither of the 2 varieties of rat presently found in the British Isles are native to these islands, they've definitely made themselves at home. The brown rat is particularly widespread while the ship (black) rat is not so much so these days. Both types originated from Asia and made their way to Great Britain on boats.

Rat Catchers Hampstead NW3

The brown rat is normally bigger than the black rat (Rattus Rattus) and can weigh up to 500g, with a length of around nine inches. To stop their teeth from getting too long, common brown rats must keep gnawing at stuff, which explains why they're the cause of so much damage. Rats especially love to gnaw at wood.

Rats gnaw their way through wires, insulation, pipes and woodwork, transmit disease, leave behind droppings, and will generally cause a nuisance in homes and businesses in and around Hampstead. The local council should be advised whenever rats are observed. Or perhaps report pest and rat sightings on the .gov website HERE, which will be forwarded to the relevant local authority.

Pest Control in the Hampstead Area

You will oftentimes be alerted to the presence of rats not by in fact observing them, but by their indicating their presence by other means. It could be that you could hear scratching noises coming from a loft, wall or floor, you could find droppings in cupboards or on floor surfaces, you might observe distinctive rat holes chewed in floorboards or skirtings or you may find a rat's nest in some hidden location.

In order to have this issue tackled properly you might want to speak to an expert. You could either get in contact with the local council or bring in an expert Hampstead pest controller or rat catcher yourself. In the world today rat catchers commonly fall into the category of pest management, and pest elimination companies don't only deal with rats but also mice, fleas, wasps, moles, bedbugs, cockroaches and a variety of other household and garden pests.

Click For Rat Control in Hampstead Greater London

Rat catching and pest control can be done in Hampstead and also in nearby places like: Belsize Park, Childs Hill, Frognal, Highgate, Gospel Oak, Fortune Green, Hampstead Heath, Golders Green, Kentish Town, as well as in these postcodes NW3, NW3 1BJ, NW3 1LU, NW3 1EU, NW3 1BT, NW3 1JQ, NW3 1HE, NW3 1UA, NW3 1SU, and NW3 1HH. Local Hampstead rat catchers will likely have the postcode NW3 and the telephone dialling code 020.

Hampstead Mole Catching

Hampstead rat catchers are sometimes called on to help remedy another issue, namely moles. Certainly not such despised creatures, moles bring about completely different issues than rats. Lawns and gardens are mainly at risk when you have a mole situation. Neatly manicured lawns ruined by unsightly heaps of recently dug earth are a sure sign of mole activity. Trapping is by far the most humane and acceptable technique to reduce the incidence of moles.

Species of Rat

In Hampstead or anywhere else in the United Kingdom, there are only two types of rat which you're going to come across. They're the Brown Rat and the Black Rat.

The Brown Rat

The brown rat (sewer rat, common rat, Norwegian Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) or street rat) is the most commonly found rat in Britain and throughout Continental Europe (also North America). The brown rat (it can sometimes be grey) is generally 4 to 9 inches in length (without the tail) and weighs about 140 - 500 grammes. It is usually found wherever people live. It was given the name Norway Rat (Rattus Norvegicus) since it was presumed to have arrived in the UK by ship from Norway. The brown rat is now understood to have originated from China or Central Asia. Brown rats have an acute sense of hearing but bad eyesight, they dig burrows and climb well, they're omnivores but favour cereals and grains, the female rats often give birth to five litters of up to 14 every year.

The Black Rat (Ship Rat)

The black rat, (Rattus Rattus), ship rat or roof rat is also not a native of Britain, originally coming from India. It's believed to have spread throughout Europe during the time of the Roman Empire, quite possibly hidden in cargoes of spice. At one time commonplace in the British Isles, this rat disappeared as the brown rat appeared. Growing to a length of five to seven inches, this rat weighs in at about 75 to 230 grams. Known to pass on listeria, trichinosis, rat bite fever, typhus, tularemia, toxoplasmosis, Weil's disease, salmonella and bubonic plague, black rats are prolific spreaders of disease and pathogens.

Rats - Telltale Signs

When you've got a notion you might have rats in your home or business, there are a few ways by which you can find out. You can search for footprints or tail trails in dusty areas or on loose soil, watch out for rub marks where their greasy fur leaves marks on skirtings and walls, pay attention to gnawing in wires, wood and cables, especially in lofts, be on the lookout for burrows or tunnels near to solid objects, listen out for scratching noises coming from roofs and walls, particularly at nighttime, keep an eye out for rat droppings, they look similar to large grains of rice and are darkish brown.

Rat Sightings - Reporting

We discussed this earlier, so here we'll go into it a bit more. The local environmental health is the place to send a report if you witness rats in a neighbours garden, in a public area or in your own garden. Sometimes councils offer a cost-free service for rat problems but payment is often required for most other pest infestations for instance bed bugs, cockroaches and wasps. Incidences of rats can also be reported using the Government (.gov) webpage HERE. Click HERE to book your own rat catcher and get the situation sorted out straight away.


Burrowing and digging is one thing that rats love to do and it's beside solid structures and objects like terraces, paths, garden shed bases and garages that they mainly like to dig. Perfect for a nesting place, food storage and shelter, burrows are dug into extensive networks that can even cause damage to structures if not nipped in the bud. The entrances to burrows are usually worn smooth by continuous motion, so look out for holes with smooth sides at the side of solid surfaces. Should you discover holes but aren't sure if they're rats, they will commonly be about 2-4 inches across. Chuck some stuff into the entrance hole and check back the following day to find out if it's been moved. This can show you if the rats are still living there.

Rat Prevention Hampstead

The simplest way to avoid problems with rats and mice is not to encourage them from the beginning. For this reason, rat prevention ought to be something to think about even if you do not at present have rat problems. Domestic trash cluttering up your garden is one of the major factors that cause rat and mouse infestations. You'll do nothing but attract rats if you supply them with both the location and materials to build nests. If there's also a lot of food on offer your rats think they're in paradise, so be warned that many bird feeders can attract rats, particularly when they're prone to overflowing, and domestic food scraps should not be left lying around.

Mouse Problems Hampstead

While not so disconcerting as uncovering rats scurrying around garden or house, having mice could be as much of a concern. Mice, like rats, contaminate food, breed quickly, leave droppings and gnaw at stuff. The tactics for mouse problems in Hampstead are very similar to those employed for rats ie setting traps and poisoning. When you have an infestation of mice, Hampstead rat catchers will be very happy to help fix this problem. Head over to BARK and locate a pest control specialist close to you.

Diseases Spread by Rats

The primary mode of transmission for the various diseases spread by rats to humans is through contact with their urine, saliva and faeces. Diseases such as rat-bite fever, salmonellosis, hantavirus and leptospirosis can be transmitted from rats to humans.

The severity of hantavirus lies in its ability to cause a respiratory illness that can be fatal. The bacterial infection known as rat-bite fever can be transmitted through a rat scratch or bite and can cause fever, rashes and vomiting. Liver and kidney failure are potential outcomes of leptospirosis, a bacterial infection that can also cause symptoms resembling the flu. Fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps are all symptomatic of the bacterial infection salmonellosis.

Reducing the risk of disease transmission requires the prevention and control of rat infestations. The transmission of additional diseases, such as Lyme disease and typhus, can occur through fleas and ticks carried by rats.

What Attracts Rats?

Regardless of their seemingly cute look, with their twitchy whiskers, furry bodies and pointy faces, mice and rats can be dangerous and are definitely not animals that you want to be living in your home or garden in Hampstead. Mice and rats can sometimes cause fires and other issues in homes and business premises in Hampstead by chewing through plastic, electrical wiring, plasterboard and skirting boards. More than 30 different types of disease can be spread by rats and mice including listeria, trichinosis, rat bite fever, typhus, tularemia, toxoplasmosis, Weil's disease, salmonella and bubonic plague. So, the primary things that may attract mice and rats to your home or garden are:

  • ENTRY POINTS AND HOLES - Mice and rats can squeeze through the tiniest of cracks and holes, so keep an eye out for gaps around piping, entrances, crawl spaces and grills.
  • RUBBISH - Accumulations of garbage and garden rubbish piled up on your property (especially in the garden) will definitely attract rodents.
  • FOOD - Food that is left discarded or lying around is one of the primary attractions for rats and mice.
  • CLUTTER - General jumble and clutter in basement, loft or gardenshed will be especially attractive to rodents, especially if there is a source of food close by.
  • WATER - Busy little rats and mice need to drink, which means that water sources like dripping sprinkler systems, pet water bowls, leaky pipes and birdbaths are a big attraction for these unwelcome pests.
  • PET WASTE/COMPOST - Surprisingly pet waste and even heaps of compost can attract rodents - they'll find plenty of tasty titbits hiding in there!

Rat Bite Wounds

While not all that common in Hampstead, rat bites do happen every once in a while, and in some instances they can be serious. When stressed or cornered, rats can bite people, thus if you encounter one in a confined space, it's best to leave the creature an exit route so it can escape.

You would think that people would be wary of shoving their hand inside a rat's cage, but as rats are often kept as pets (are you kidding?), this is a rising cause of rat bites. Even though they're not always dangerous, rat bites can turn nasty or even life threatening if they turn into "rat bite fever" (caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis), so they must be avoided if possible. If it's not treated rapidly "rat bite fever" (RBF) can cause death, and has has a 10% mortality rate.

Symptoms of Rat Bite Fever - Various symptoms can be suffered by someone with "rat bite fever" including things like:

  • Muscle Pain
  • Joint Pain or Swelling
  • Fever
  • Swelling or Redness
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • A Rash

You should promptly wash the wound with warm water, if you get bitten by a rat, then apply an antibiotic ointment to the bite area, and cover it with a clean bandage. You need to make an appointment to see your GP, or head for the nearest hospital A&E, even if you think it isn't that serious. If you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last five years, it might be wise to get one of these too - A&E will almost certainly do this routinely.

Rat Poison

Laying poison is one of the more horrible methods by which to eradicate rat infestations. Grains of wheat are coated with a poisonous compound and left for the rats to ingest, it then takes them several days to die. When set in the optimal location within an area where rats have been spotted, poison can quite rapidly exterminate a large number of rats. Commonly brodifacoum, difenacoum or bromadioline are among the poisons used. Dogs and cats could also be harmed as a result of rat poison, so take care. Rat poison brands made in the British Isles include: Propest, RatKil, Elixir Gardens, Rentokil, Roshield and Pest Expert. (Tags: Rat Poison Hampstead, Rat Poisons Hampstead)

General Pest Control in Hampstead

General pest control is a crucial service that aims to manage and eradicate common pests in commercial, domestic and public spaces through a wide array of remedial and preventative measures. The comfort, health and safety of individuals, property, and overall well-being of local communities are all crucially dependent on it.

The management and control of various pests that can invade businesses, public areas and homes is referred to as "general pest control". These pests encompass a diverse range, including cockroaches, rodents like mice and rats, bedbugs and insects like ants, and other annoying pests such as flies, silverfish and spiders.

General pest control aims to stop infestations before they start. Proactive measures such as regular inspections, pest-proofing and maintaining cleanliness achieve this. Significantly reducing the risk of pest issues is a critical goal for businesses and individuals in Hampstead, and it can be achieved by identifying potential entry points and addressing conditions that attract pests, such as food debris or water sources.

General Pest Control Hampstead

Pest infiltration requires the effective and prompt attention of general pest control services. Pest control experts are trained to accurately identify the specific pest species, determine the extent of the infestation, and develop a tailored eradication solution. They use a variety of techniques and methods, including exclusion measures, trapping, insecticide applications and baiting, to eliminate the pests.

Additionally, general pest control services can include the humane eviction and relocation of some wildlife species, like squirrels, bats and birds, which can invade properties and pose health and safety hazards. Pest control experts utilise environmentally conscious and humane techniques to guarantee the safe relocation of wildlife to their native habitats, minimising the potential for harm to both humans and animals.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a commonly used approach in general pest control, known for being environmentally responsible and sustainable. IPM places a high priority on employing non-chemical methods, such as sealing potential points of entry, implementing sanitation measures, and utilising biological controls like natural predators whenever they are viable options. Chemical treatments are carefully applied, following regulations, to reduce their impact on the environment and non-target species.

In a nutshell, the crucial role of general pest control lies in its comprehensive service, which ensures the property, health and comfort of individuals and communities are well protected. Through the integration of preventive actions and effective solutions, pest control services in Hampstead play a huge role in sustaining environments free of pests, thereby elevating the quality of life. (99488 - General Pest Control Hampstead)


People with a rat problem in Hampstead are occasionally tempted to have a crack at resolving it themselves. Therefore, if you find yourself in this situation, what should you do? Rat traps, rat poisons and other merchandise is readily accessible in supermarkets, shops and hardware stores in the Hampstead area, so the stuff that you need can easily be acquired.

Rat Exterminator Hampstead UK (020)

An experienced rat exterminator in Hampstead is however the preferred person for the job, seeing as controlling rats may not be as easy as you may believe.

The novice's use of rat poison will likely do more harm than good, seeing that you need to be incredibly vigilant with them especially when children and pets are around. You'd be much better off enlisting the help of an expert when you're in need of rat control in Hampstead.

Click For Rat Catchers in Hampstead Greater London

Other Pests in Hampstead: Also seek assistance with wasps in Hampstead, pigeons in Hampstead, mice in Hampstead, silverfish in Hampstead, carpet beetles in Hampstead, ants in Hampstead, moles in Hampstead, clothes moths in Hampstead, rabbits in Hampstead, hornets in Hampstead, bees in Hampstead, cockroaches in Hampstead, fleas in Hampstead, bedbugs in Hampstead Greater London.

Pest Control Services Hampstead

Hampstead rat catchers will likely help with wildlife management, rodent control, wasp nest removal, mouse pest control, the removal of contaminated loft insulation, dead bird removal, domestic rat control in Hampstead, dead animal removal, domestic pest control, the installation of pheromone stations (for moth entrapment), spray & fogging treatments, pest control, rat infestations, rat deterrents in Hampstead, preventive pest control, ants pest control, rat poison, emergency pest control, rat baits, the control of pests, rat prevention, cockroach control, bed bug control, carpet beetle pest control, environmental pest control, rat extermination, pest netting, restaurant pest control, bird nest removal, wasp pest control and other pest control in Hampstead. These are just an example of the tasks that are conducted by people specialising in pest control. Hampstead professionals will inform you of their entire range of services.

Pest Control Near Hampstead

Also find: Gospel Oak rat catchers, Frognal rat catchers, Fortune Green rat catchers, Childs Hill rat catchers, Belsize Park rat catchers, Hampstead Heath rat catchers, Golders Green rat catchers, Highgate rat catchers, Kentish Town rat catchers and more. Practically all of these towns and villages are catered for by companies who do pest control. Their extensive knowledge and expertise enable these professionals to efficiently and effectively tackle your rat problem. Whether you're dealing with a single rat or a larger infestation, these pest control specialists have the skills and resources needed to resolve the issue quickly. Local property owners can get pest control price quotes by clicking here.

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(This pest control Hampstead article was generated on 18-06-2024)